Maximize the benefits
of your
EV telematics 
for the environment for revenue for your drivers for the grid  
gal of gas avoided
total revenue generated
yearly rewards
total EVs
MT CO₂ reduced
revenue per assets
est. yearly gas savings
residential MWh
carbon credits generated
supported programs
loyalty experience
charging events
A trusted partner since 2015.
BTR Offerings BTR Offerings

BTR offers Data Enrichment by pairing telematics with grid, regulatory, and driver data to enhance value.

We factor in grid resiliency, utility tariff pricing, carbon emissions, regulatory data, driver preferences, and more.

BTR offers Data Analysis by analyzing enriched data sets to enable value-added services.

This can include higher data quality, per vehicle analysis, regulatory analysis and filtering, and charge schedule management.

Participate in Clean Fuel Programs with the Bridge platform or optimize your EV charging with the Elematics platform.

Learn more
BTR Logo Powered by Bridge
  • Automated registration & reporting

    Our platform automatically generates and submits the registration and reporting documents to regulators.

  • Credit monetization & market insights

    Our dedicated team actively analyzes market dynamics to monetize program credits at the highest value.

  • Self servicing online portal

    Review program performance, data reporting, revenue generation and more with our self-service online portal.

Bridge screenshot
Elematics screenshot
Learn more
Elematics Logo Powered by Elematics
  • Carbon + cost optimized charging

    Our flexible optimized charging algorithms allow drivers to easily optimize across cost, carbon, and grid services in an intuitive and engaging user experience.

  • Rewards ecosystem

    Reward drivers for engaging in optimized charging programs, grid resiliency events, and their loyalty with Elematics' unique rewards ecosystem with participation from top reward partners.

  • First-party experience

    We host, design, develop, and maintain the entire end-to-end functionality so you don't have to. Simply embed our webview in your app, and we'll take care of the rest.

  • Strategic investment
    Strategic Investors Participate in BTR Series A Funding

    BP, CDPQ and others back BTR in Series A funding.

  • RFS Participation
    Leading OEMs and Biogas Producers Work with BTR for Participation in RFS

    BTR announces its collaboration with OEMs and biogas producers to enable participation in the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) eRINs program via the BTR "Bridge" platform.

  • Qmerit partnership
    BTR and Qmerit Partner to Help Commercial Clients Monetize EV Charging

    Our partnership with Qmerit, the leading provider of implementation solutions for EV charging and other electrification technologies.

  • Supporting farmers
    Powering Autonomous Vehicles While Supporting Farmers

    BTR partners with Cruise to launch an initiative to power autonomous vehicles with solar energy generated by farms.

  • Farm cows
    Collaborating with Straus Dairy Farm and BMW to Offer Low Carbon EV Charging

    BMW, Straus Organic Dairy Farm & BTR collaborate to offer a program that uses biogas to create low carbon electricity to charge EVs via the LCFS program.
